
I'm coming to visit! 52 Project - Week 2

Cali Visit  This past weekend, my friend Mal flew in from Canada. Mal and I met 2 years ago in Budapest, Hungary, on a day walking tour through the city. The next day and a half we did what most travelers do, we followed it up with more sights, a few bars, randomness and getting to know each other. We swapped emails then we were off on our separate ways to new cities and adventures. We stayed in touch afterwards and a few weeks ago I received an email that said,"Hey, Im coming to visit!" "Sweet! Finally! " Mal brought her friend Krystle with her and I tried showing them a fun OC / SoCal experience. Newport, La, HB, Hollywood, Knotts Scary Farm, Venice, Rainbows, Triangle square, Roscoes, Laguna, San Clemente, a hike, party night, party day, paddle boarding and even some surfing lessons. They met several of my amazing friends and genuinely had an amazing time (i hope).

Along with awesome memories, my travels have blessed me with so many amazing friends across this beautiful world from different cultures, religions, and ages. We all found common ground to build long and lasting relationships. Next year, I’ll be traveling to France, to go to a wedding of people I met in London. I love the randomness of it all. There is so much out there if you choose to seek it. Think about how much you limit your life by only experiencing what may be in a 100 miles radius. Your future best friend, wife or husband may be out there.

Appreciate the world beyond your doorstep.